This book serves as the documentation for Leadlet, the open source marketing automation system. Everyone is welcome to help make this information better and improve as needed.
Developer Docs
If you are looking for some details about Leadlet API, webhooks, theme or plugin development, go to Developer docs.
Download as PDF
Click here to download these docs as a PDF.
How to contribute to the docs
This repository is the source code for Gitbook published at The source code is shared here on GitHub so anyone can contribute to the documentation in the same way the programmers do with the actual Leadlet code.
The file structure
We've worked with the file in the previous section. This file is shown in the home page of a GitHub repository and you are reading its content right now. It doesn't have anything to do with the Mautic documentation.
The file defines the menu of the documentation. If you add a new page to the documentation, you'll have to also add a new line there defining the title and the link to the file. It's pretty straightforward when you see the current menu items.
The folders are here to group the topics together. Open for example the asset folder. You'll see it has its own file. It is the main content when you click on the Asset menu item. The file is a subitem. The media subfolder contains all the images used in the md files.
Often you'll want to make a link into another place in the documentation. In Markdown, the link looks like this:
[link title](
This will create an external link with absolute URL. If you want to create an internal link, use a relative URL like this:
[link title](